Call For Paper

All papers must be written in English and should describe original work. The length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 15 pages (in the standard Springer conference one-column forma). Only full papers are accepted for submission. Papers will be refereed through a blind process for technical merit and content. To be eligible for publication in the Conference proceedings, an accepted paper must be presented at the Conference by one of the authors. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
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Topic 1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning Topic 2. Intelligent clustering analysis Topic 3. Industrial visual intelligence Topic 4. Business intelligence and data mining Topic 5. Natural language processing and understanding Topic 6. Intelligent information systems and applications Topic 7. Artificial intelligence and information security Topic 8. Bioinformatics and biomedicine Topic 9. Intelligent analysis of educational big data Topic 10. Big data privacy and information security Topic 11. Intelligent information retrieval Topic 12. Intelligent data mining
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