
Latex Package

Word Template


1. Papers should be an unpublished original research result and has not been published in any other conference or journal.
2. Papers should include sections such as title, abstract, keywords, main text, conclusion, and references.
3. Papers must be clearly presented in English and not exceed 15 pages in one-column style (including charts and references).
4. Papers shall be submitted electronically as a PDF file through EasyChair Conference management system at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iipa2024.
5. Paper submission should follow the format requirement of Springer described at: https://www.springer.com/us/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelines.
6. Papers should adhere to the principle of academic integrity, and plagiarism and falsification are strictly prohibited. As required by Springer, the Crossref Similarity Check score should be lower than 30% when using the software iThenticate at https://www.ithenticate.com for plagiarism detection.

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