Title: Learning Deep Second-order Visual Representations via Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
Speaker: Prof. Lei Wang
University of Wollongong, Australia
IEEE senior member
Title: Query optimization engine for graph databases
Speaker: Prof. Lei Zou
Peking University
Title: Decoding Urban Rhythms: Generative AI Techniques for Geospatial Applications
Speaker: Dr. Shanshan Feng
Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore
Title: Sustainable human-AI interaction: Case study of AI-driven virtual co-pilots in aviation
Speaker: Dr. Fan Li
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Novel multi-view data clustering algorithm
Speaker: Prof. Xinwang Liu
National University of Defense Technology
Title: Digital Detection Technology for Deepfake
Speaker: Prof. Zhangjie Fu
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Title: Privacy Risks and Defense Technologies for Large Language Models(LLM)
Speaker: Prof. Zhiping Cai
National University of Defense Technology
Title: Knowledge driven deep learning
Speaker: Dr. Nan Yin
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology